1. Copy data from this website and insert into an Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Extract one column and copy into another Excel table.
  3. Create a single string of comma-delimited values using Excel's Transpose function, hitting F9 (Mac Command/=) before hitting return. Also, delete the curly brackets before hitting return.
  4. Insert these new data values into the "popdata" array in the code. Change the title and size of the map.

Nebraska Per Capita Income 2010

There are 93 areas on this map and 256 possible shadings, including black and white.

The dataset has 1 identical value(s). There are 69 different shadings in this map and 24 areas have the same shading.

That means the map is 24.73% classed or 75.27% unclassed (as a result of insufficient available shadings).

The minimum (non-zero) difference between data values is 1.00000.

If there are no identical values, 15813 shadings or colors would be needed to properly display this map as an unclassed choropleth map.